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The Abominables


A hundred years ago, in the Himalayan peaks of Nanvi Dar, the daughter of an English earl is kidnapped by a huge hairy monster. In a secret valley Agatha Farley is introduced to a family of motherless yetis and devotes her life to their upbringing. She teaches them to speak, tells them stories and insists on polite manners. But as the decades pass, tourists come to the mountains, a hotel is built and yeti-hunters arrive. Agatha knows that there is one place in the world where they would be protected - her ancestral home at Farley Towers. When a boy and his sister stumble upon her hidden valley, she knows she has found the courageous people who will carry out her plan. The excited yetis are smuggled into the bridal suite at the hotel. A freezer lorry is waiting to put them into semi-hibernation on the long trip home. But the baby yak that has fallen in love with the youngest yeti foils the refrigeration plan and they set off on a hugely entertaining road trip half way across the world. In the Sultan of Aslerfan's kingdom the yetis release all the animals from his zoo. In the Alps they rescue a lost child in a blizzard. In Spain, the yak creates chaos at a bullfight. But when they arrive in England, a terrible shock awaits them at Farley Towers... This early novel, never submitted for publication, contains all the trademark qualities that made Eva's subsequent books so successful; comedy, loveable and eccentric characters, perfectly-crafted plotting, and inspiring themes of tolerance, kindness to animals, and the defeat of cruelty.


一百年前,在喜马拉雅山的Nanvi Dar,一个英国伯爵的女儿被一个巨大的毛茸茸的怪物绑架。在一个神秘的山谷里,阿加莎·法利被介绍到一个没有母亲的雪人家庭,她把自己的一生都奉献给了他们的成长。她教孩子们说话,给他们讲故事,并坚持礼貌的举止。但是几十年过去了,游客们来到了山上,旅馆建了起来,雪人猎人也来了。阿加莎知道世界上有一个地方他们会受到保护——她祖传的法利塔的家。当一个男孩和他的妹妹偶然发现她隐藏的山谷时,她知道她找到了勇敢的人们,他们将执行她的计划。兴奋的雪人被偷偷带进了酒店的新婚套房。一辆冷藏卡车正等着让他们在回家的漫长旅途中进入半冬眠状态。但是小牦牛爱上了最小的雪人,这让他们的冷藏计划失败了,于是他们开始了一段非常有趣的公路旅行,穿越了半个世界。在阿斯勒凡王国苏丹国,雪人把动物园里所有的动物都放生了。他们在阿尔卑斯山一场暴风雪中救出了一个走失的孩子。在西班牙,牦牛会在斗牛中制造混乱。但当他们到达英国,一个可怕的冲击等待他们在法利塔……这本早期的小说,从未提交出版,包含了使伊娃后来的书如此成功的所有商标品质;喜剧,可爱而古怪的角色,精心设计的情节,以及鼓舞人心的主题——宽容,善待动物,战胜残忍。


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