EQDemic Library


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In a hot, hot country, ringed with mountains on one side and jungle on the other, lives a princess called Cinnamon. Her eyes are made of pearls, which means that she is blind. And, for reasons her parents the Rajah and Rani cannot fathom, she will not talk. So they offer a reward to anyone who can teach Cinnamon to speak. People travel from far and wide to attempt it, but nothing works. Until a mighty tiger, huge and fierce, prowls into their palace and announces that he is here to teach the girl-cub to talk ...

A mighty fable from Neil Gaiman, winner of the Newbery and Carnegie Medals, illustrated in vivid colour by up-and-coming talent Divya Srinivasan. Neil Gaiman's work has been widely adapted for film and TV, including films of Coraline and Stardust, and adaptations of American Gods, Good Omens (written with Terry Pratchett) and How to Talk to Girls at Parties are in the works for 2017.


这是纽伯瑞奖章和卡内基奖章得主尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)的一个强大的寓言故事,由新秀达维娅·斯里尼瓦桑(Divya Srinivasan)以生动的色彩为插图。尼尔·盖曼的作品被广泛改编成电影和电视,包括《鬼妈妈》和《星尘》的电影,以及改编自《美国众神》、《吉兆》(与特里·普拉切特合写)和《派对上如何与女孩交谈》的电影正在筹备中。

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